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5 Mistakes Made By Startup Employers When They Are Hiring

1 Lack of clarity in the job description

When you advertise your job role and description, it needs to be crystal clear. You want to both reach out to those who are perfect for the role and also dissuade those who are not. Clarity and simplicity in your job description will help ensure that nobody’s time is wasted further down the line. A lack of clarity in the job description can mean both the successful candidate and the hirer’s expectation are then not truly met.

A good tip can be to create your job description in collaboration with the person currently in that role (as long as they are moving on (or up) on good terms!), as they will know the role and the daily duties that they currently undertake better than anyone.

Have a look at the role descriptions here and here for a good example!

2 Wrong vision for your careers page

If you don’t treat your careers page like a sales and marketing landing page, you will again risk missing out on the best candidates. Sell your company openings, don’t just list them. Do this by focusing on more than just the jobs that are available, making sure that your careers page focuses on the company, its vision, its people and culture.

Get a little more creative here, using images, video and employee testimonials to showcase and give insight into what working for your company is really like.

3 Thinking it’s all about you

At an interview it’s too easy to think that the shortlisted candidates should be doing all the work, proving themselves to you. But this can be as much an opportunity to really show a candidate why working for you, is also a big win-win. Make sure you also treat the interview process with respect.

Prepare for each interview, take time to read over a candidate’s CV fully, ask relevant and well thought out questions, and follow up with all the candidates, successful or otherwise. A good or bad reputation is often earnt.

4 Being unwilling or unable to see from their perspective

There’s a pretty good chance that you will have been through job application processes in your time, so try to remember what it was like. Candidates will have their own career and salary expectations and it is important as a prospective employer that you show that you are willing to see from their perspective and show you are open to negotiating on the terms and conditions that get you the best person for the job.

5 Having an unclear process

Making the process of application, to interview, to hiring as clear and transparent as possible will help not only to give candidates stability and certainty but will help you to manage the process in a timely and professional manner.

The better the process for the candidates, the better it will be for you as well.


Looking to recruit for your startup? Or, simply want to discuss best practice in the hiring process? Give us a shout and we will be happy to meet for a cuppa or simply chat over the phone. Or, if you’re looking to build your network check out our entrepreneur community!

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