TableCrowd Talent

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5 reasons to add hobbies and interests into your Startup CV

1 Makes you more of an individual

Typically, startup hirers will find that they have a wide selection of applications and CVs in their inbox. When looking through applications, some CVs will have similar relevant skills and experiences, so it makes sense that anything extra that stands out, may stand you in good stead.

Hobbies and interests are a CV section that many job seekers take for granted. However take your time to consider what hobbies and interests you have that may help you to stand out - be that fitness, volunteering, travelling, church, learning, they all help to make you seem more of an individual especially to startup hirers.

2 A good cultural fit

Hobbies and interests may not only make your CV more memorable, but those hobbies and interests may also be very well aligned with the values and cultural fit of a potential startup employer, or at least some of the employees in their team.

Employers will often look to find some sense of unity between new and existing employees, as it can really help with team cohesion. So not only may your hobbies and interests help you stand out, they may make you stand in too.

3 Adds to your skills base - transferable skills

Some applicants will think hobbies and interests is that section of a CV that most hirers don’t bother to read. However whilst this might be true for some, many astute businesses, especially startups will take the time to read an applicant’s hobbies and interests as they often highlight transferable job skills that they might have.

Volunteering could equal empathy. Fitness could equal determination. Learning to code could equal patience and the ability to self-manage.

4 Great discussion point at startup interview

Not only can hobbies and interests be a great way to make your CV stand out, but they can be a really helpful discussion point during an interview, especially if you can consider beforehand how your passion points and personal interests relate to the role you are interviewing for.

5 A better picture of who you are

If experience and knowledge shown on a CV were the only consideration, then why do hirers take the time to interview a good number of applicants in the first place? Well, as we all know, CVs only tell half the story, and it is only when meeting someone that a hirer gets to find how that experience, knowledge, skills, talents, hobbies and interests relate to the role you have and the company you are recruiting for.

Adding hobbies and interests to a CV, unless you are exaggerating the truth, can only help to add to that picture and a picture of who you are in reality.

TableCrowd Talent is a startup focused recruitment agency. If you’re looking for a role in a startup... tell us some more about your career plans or take a look at our current jobs here!

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