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Top tips for writing a compelling About Us section of your job description

Even though it’s an essential part of the recruitment process, writing a job description for your startup can be a pretty laborious task. In many ways, it might feel like just another dull admin task - a task that’s way down the to-do list, that you never really want to get to. However, it should instead be viewed as an exciting opportunity - an opportunity to really sell both the role and your startup to prospective candidates. The way in which you describe your company and what you do can have a huge impact on the type of candidates that apply for the role.

Here, we explore some of the top tips to help you write a compelling About Us section in your job description.

Right mindset

Firstly, it’s vital that you get yourself into the right mindset. After all, if you hurry and rush into writing your job spec and somewhat even resent the time you spend doing it, you’re making a big hiring mistake. If you don’t appear to have the right mindset and use the right tone, you could actually turn prospective candidates off. You need to remember that this is one of the best times for you to sell your startup and all the great things that you do and are about. Be positive and sell sell sell.


Tone of voice

Getting the right tone is essential if you are going to really get across and convey to a prospective candidate what your company is like. If you’re a new, friendly, high energy company doing great things with tech, make sure that this is evident in your language. You want to ensure that the culture of your organisation shines through. Don’t be overly dull and serious in your tone, if that’s not at all what you’re like as a company. Likewise if your startup is more professional and serious, don’t be too chirpy. Getting the right balance is key!

Share your inspiration

Remember that for many prospective candidates, this may be the first time they have any experience of your company at all. Setting the scene is therefore vital. Share the story behind why the company was started in the first place. If you’re an innovative tech startup, explain the rationale behind your innovation - what led to that lightbulb moment. If you’ve got a fun, inspiring or unique tale about the company’s origins, then share it. This can be a great way of giving prospective candidates some real insight into the type of company that you are.

Build credibility

If your tech company has won awards - whether for your products or services or even for recognition as an employer, then the About Us section is a fab place to showcase this to prospective candidates. Likewise, if you’ve raised investment for your startup, then declare that - how much you’ve raised and by whom. You could also perhaps name some of your customers, particularly if they are exciting or well-known clients or brands that are sure to impress. If your revenue or user figures are worth shouting about, then do so! Highlighting anything tangible like this can go a long way towards showing candidates that you have real credibility and ensuring that they see you as a company that they want to be a part of.

This About Us from exciting healthtech company Thriva, is a good example of doing just that:

Describe the culture

You should also use this as a great opportunity to demonstrate to prospective candidates what your company culture is like, especially if you are a startup that they may not know too much about. Highlight why working in your startup is very different from the corporate world. You could perhaps convey why you are proud of your company culture, what sets you apart from others, what your mission statement or goals are as an organisation. You could even share some of the benefits or things that you offer your employees, thereby giving a further insight into your overall culture. Outline what it’s like to be part of your existing team and share your company’s values. Always think about the kind of people that you want to attract with this job description. After all, the more accurately you convey your company’s culture, the more likely you'll be to attract the right type of candidates from the off.

Create an exciting vision

Remember that it’s not enough to simply focus on everything your tech company has done to date. You’ll need to create an exciting vision for the future if you’re going to really pique the interest of prospective candidates. Consider highlighting what your next steps or goals are. Are you expanding across the UK or overseas? Are you developing new products, services or features? Are you taking on new clients or heading for your next round of investment? Focus on anything which will convey to a candidate that you are not a dull set-in-its-ways company. By giving them an insight into your exciting future goals and plans, you’ll actually be indirectly motivating them to apply for the role and making them realise that they want to be a part of your startup and its success!

Who we are

Offering personalised, consultative service, at TableCrowd Talent we’re a specialist recruitment agency with our finger on the pulse of the startup and scaleup scene. We are committed to matching graduates, professionals and C-level executives to exciting startup and scaleup jobs across London, the UK and Europe.



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