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The emotional rollercoaster of new hires: a founders guide

Embarking on a new job is a lot like stepping onto a rollercoaster – of emotion. For those new to the dynamic world of startups, the ride can be particularly exhilarating (occasionally stomach-churning too).

So picture this: your new employee arrives all fired up and ready to start. They’re bursting with energy, they radiate optimism and it’s a little like a ray of sunshine coming into office every day. You’re thinking “whoa! I hired a superstar!”


Valley of Despair

 Oh, but wait – just when you thought you had landed the perfect hire, things take a bit of a turn. Your once enthusiastic recruit suddenly starts to grumble about processes (or the lack of) and wistfully recalls their past boss(s) or company. All that enthusiasm – just vanished into thin air, and now you’re wondering if you’ve just made a colossal mistake. Meanwhile, they’re secretly questioning their own life choices.

The Emotional Cycle of Change

What is this, we hear you ask? It’s a psychological concept that maps the emotional journey individuals undergo when faced with significant transitions, such as starting a new job. It unfolds in distinct stages:

  1. Excitement (uninformed optimism): the initial burst of energy and enthusiasm, where new employees are ready to conquer the world and make a difference.

  2. Denial (informed pessimism): As the novelty wears off, doubts creep in. They start questioning if they made the right choice, and the enormity of their new environment can feel overwhelming

  3. Resistance (the valley, mentioned earlier): Resistance sets in. They push back against new processes and yearn for the comfort of their previous gig. At this stage, they might not even realise they are doing it.

  4. Exploration: Slowly but surely, they start adapting and exploring their new surroundings. They become more open to learning and embracing your startup’s unique culture.

  5. Acceptance: Finally, they fully embrace their role, the team, and your company. Confidence soars, and they contribute wholeheartedly.

OK, so why does this matter?

It’s a valid question. And I mean, why should you care? Well, here’s the thing – everyone experiences this cycle, but some folks just zoom through it, while others get stuck in the emotional sinkhole.

Those stuck in the valley can wreak havoc on your startup, causing issues in retention, productivity, team dynamics, company culture, innovation – even your own well-being.

Neglecting the emotional journey of your employees can seriously damage your startup’s reputation, making it harder to attract top-notch talent in the future AND potentially affecting customer experience.

You’re interested now, aren’t you? So why does it happen?!

The duration of this rollercoaster ride varies from person to person, but it usually unfolds within the first few months of employment. Why? Because your new hires leave behind the comfort of familiarity, navigate a steep learning curve, and grapple with the uncertainty of their success in their new role.


Spot the Signs

Recognising where your new hires are on this ride is crucial for providing support. Here are some telltale signs for each stage.

  • Excitement: high energy, eagerness to engage, enthusiasm for tasks and projects

  • Denial: Expressions of doubt, hesitation toward new processes, and seeking reassurance

  • Resistance: pushback against change, reluctance to participate in team activities, or a negative attitude toward new ways of doing things.

  • Exploration: Increased involvement in training and learning opportunities, a more positive outlook on change, and a willingness to try something new.

  • Acceptance: Confidence in their role, a strong sense of belonging, and active contributions to the team’s success.


What can a founder do?

FirstlyROCK SOLID ONBOARDING – Craft a robust onboarding plan that paints a clear picture of your company and its vision, values, and expectations from day one. This helps manage uncertainty and aligns employees with your startup’s mission.

SecondlyACKNOWLEDGE the ROLLERCOASTER – Include a section on the emotional cycle of change in your onboarding materials. Let your employees know that these feelings are normal, and provide guidance on how to navigate them.

Thirdly - LET’S TALK ABOUT IT - The simplest way to stay on top of it and make sure your new hires feel supported and understood is to - that’s right - talk to them about it. During your one-to-one catch-ups, perhaps you can ask how they’re doing. Tell them about the Cycle, what you know of it, and that this is only a temporary feeling, then reassure them that you are here to listen and help - should they need it.


In Conclusion

The emotional rollercoaster of change is a natural part of the onboarding process for new employees, especially in the ever-evolving landscape of startups. As a founder, your ability to recognize and support your team through this journey can make a world of difference in their long-term success and commitment to your company.

By fostering a culture of transparency, support, and adaptability, you can help your startup soar to new heights. Strap in, and enjoy the ride!



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Offering personalised, consultative service, at TableCrowd Talent we’re a specialist recruitment agency with our finger on the pulse of the startup and scaleup scene. We are committed to matching graduates, professionals, and C-level executives to exciting startup and scaleup jobs across London, the UK, and Europe.



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