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World Earth Day

World Earth Day is here again! It’s always fantastic to see people and organisations alike marking April 22nd as a day when they can proactively show their support for environmental issues and protection. However, this is certainly not something that should be reserved to this one day - we all need to be doing our bit on this - at all times.

As a business, if we really want to have happy teams and ensure we attract and retain quality talent in our startups and businesses, we need to show that we don’t simply pay lip service to this one day a year. Instead, we need to demonstrate how it’s integral to everything we do.

As individuals, in an increasingly work-from-home world, we need to pay attention and consider the options available to us - and where possible, move towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Startups - highlight your environmental credentials

Remember, the first introduction that many prospective candidates will have to your startup is the About Us section of your job spec or website. If you really want to prove that environmental issues matter to you and your business, you should include your company policy here - or at least provide a direct link to it.

You should be proud of any successes or achievements you’ve attained as a result of your environmental policies as a business. Highlight these on both your website and your social channels - no matter how big or small the milestone reached, you’re making a difference. Not only will this potentially encourage great people to join your team, but it will also instil a sense of pride in your current employees.

Highlighting your environmental credentials might give you a competitive advantage. Perhaps you’ll align your overall business mission with your sustainable goals. Or, you might even build and adapt your business model around a particular cause. Either way, this could give you that edge over your competition and make your startup stand out.

Millenials are extremely socially conscious, placing more importance and focus on the environment and sustainability than perhaps any other generation. These are the factors that play a huge part in every decision they make - whether it’s a product they buy or the companies they want to work for. As an employer, you want to make sure they see YOU as the company they want to be a part of - a company that shares their interests and passion for social and environmental issues.

Here’s a few things you might want to consider:

  1. Think about developing an Environmentally Friendly Home-Working policy for your startup. Highlight some quick and easy wins and steps that employees can take to play their part.

  2. Consider more environmentally-friendly office supplies, such as using recycled paper for notebooks or only using biodegradable pens - easy swaps but effective!

  3. Got a cycle to work scheme? Encourage your team to use it and make sure you highlight it to every new starter. If you haven’t got one - now’s a time to get one in place! They might not be cycling to work per se, but they still need to get to places…why not make it easier for them?

  4. Another option to consider, perhaps as a per or a benefit, would be a subscription service like BuzzBike where your team can get a fab city bike, all the kit they need and even be rewarded for how much they cycle! Or you could instead encourage your team to use Human Forest and avail of their e-bike sharing scheme.

  5. Get everyone on your team a reusable coffee cup and/or water bottle. Whether they are branded with your company logo or not, the message is still very clear. Of course, if they are branded, they’ll help raise awareness of your company’s environmental beliefs to all who see it (or use it)

  6. Changing mobile contracts for your business? Don’t just focus on the price - look at alternative options like Honest John, the world’s first Carbon Negative Mobile Network.

  7. When you get to onboard new members of your team, make sure that your goals in this area form a part of their overall induction.

Whatever you do, don’t simply look at this as another tick-box exercise. People can easily see through something with no real substance. Greenwashing is a big issue - and can have a hugely negative impact on your brand but also on you personally.

Employees - Remote working makes it more difficult to be environmentally friendly (but don’t rush back to the office just yet)

Let’s remind ourselves there’s already a positive environmental impact as a result of fewer people commuting to work every day. We’ve seen the benefit of this in the last 12 months!

When the whole team is under one roof, the business can easily procure renewable energy and manage its consumption. Working remotely though, things get a little more tricky but we, as individuals, can and should take responsibility and work towards achievable goals.

Here’s a few ideas you might want to consider…

  1. A simple change of habits makes a difference - reduce your screen brightness and remember to unplug your electronic devices when you’re not using them (we’ve all left a charger or two plugged in over night for no reason).

  2. Spend a lot of time online? Try using the Ecosia search engine when browsing. You’ll help plant trees while going about your online business - what’s not to love?

  3. Consider using an app such as Bulb which will enable you to not only see what your carbon footprint is - but how you can offset it.

  4. Research greener energy tariffs or find out more about any government/council initiatives or loan options for solar panels if you are able to use them - both Earth and your wallet will thank you for it

  5. It’s pretty great being able to cook your own meals at home (or order in) - but we’ve all been there and made or bought too much. Food waste is a huge problem BUT there are some amazing organisations on a mission to address this. Have a look at apps tackling waste such as Olio or Too Good To Go


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Offering personalised, consultative service, at TableCrowd Talent we’re a specialist recruitment agency with our finger on the pulse of the startup and scaleup scene. We are committed to matching graduates, professionals and C-level executives to exciting startup and scaleup jobs across London, the UK and Europe.



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